senior pictures

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AHHHHH. I can’t believe I am here sharing with you my 2023 SENIOR REP TEAM! My Senior Rep Team is a joy every year and after one meeting I know these girls are going to fill my year to the brim with laughter and fun. My Senior Rep Team is a group of high school […]

2023 Senior Rep Team

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Reagan and Cole are so near and dear to my heart. They will become Mr. & Mrs. Duenckel in May of 2023 and I am honored to be able to capture that important day for them. We captured some of their engagement pictures in Jefferson City, MO at the Governor’s Garden. They will be getting […]

Reagan & Cole – Engagement Session

engagement pictures
senior picture session

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Morgan and I made sure that we were celebrating her senior year and looking to her future during her session. Her session was in May after she received her cap and gown. We started at QHS where we took pictures with her cap and gown and she upgraded to have her best friend in some […]

Morgan Holtman – QHS Class of 2022

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Mirrorless cameras vs DSLR cameras. It’s possibly one of the greatest debates in the photographer world right now. When it first became popular I had my trusty Nikon D750, and I LOVED it. I couldn’t imagine going away from it. I said that multiple times. I did not understand the appeal of a mirrorless camera. […]

Why I Went Mirrorless:

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Now I will be the first photographer to tell you that a good picture comes down to WAY more than the gear that was used to accomplish it. A good picture comes from posing, editing and a decent camera. Although it isn’t the whole cake, it’s definitely an ingredient. Here you see what is currently […]

My Gear List

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I want to start by mentioning that every person’s journey to becoming a successful photographer is different. The time it took me to get here and the steps I took will probably be different than what works for you. I hope that by reading this you can find some encouragement, joy and hope for your […]

My Photography Journey

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When you show up to your session or before you even book your session, I want you to know that I am more than just the 5’2, 23 year old holding a camera. Here’s some facts that will hopefully help you get to know the person behind the camera!

Get to Know Me!